Article information
Year 2017 Volume 67 Issue 4 Page 296-306
Effect of Different Mouthwashes on the Elastic Force of Elastomeric Chain
Mouthwash, Elastomeric chain, Force decay, Orthodontics
The objectives of this study were to compare the effect of different types of mouthwashes on the elastic force of elastomeric chains and to compare the effect of pH in different types of mouthwashes that were exposed to the elastomeric chains. A total of 210 elastomeric chain specimens was exposed to five different types of mouthwashes (Colgate® Plax, Listerine® Cool mint, Systema® Japanese cherry blossom, Fluocaril® Ortho 123 and Punjasri®) andtwo control groups (distilled water and acetic acid). The elastomeric chains were submerged in artificial saliva at 37°C and were exposed to the solution twice a day. Force measurements were performed at six-time intervals (Initial, Day 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28). The result showed that statistically significant difference was found between the initial (Day 0) and Day 1 in all groups. The highest percentage of force decay occurred during the first day. And the test group of mouthwashes that had the highest mean of force remain in Day 28 was Systema® Japanese cherry blossom, followed by Listerine® Cool mint, Colgate® Plax, Fluocaril® Ortho 123 and Punjasri® respectively. In conclusion, the mouthwash that had the highest force decay in elastomeric chains was Punjasri® with no significant correlation between pH of mouthwash and elastic force degradation.