Article information
Year 2020 Volume 70 Issue 3 Page 170-181
The Usage of Nasoform in Two Newborns with Unilateral Cleft Lip: Case Reports
Nasoform, Nasoalveolar molding, NAM, Cleft lip, Cleft lip and cleft palate, Nasal molding device
The purpose of these case reports was to introduce the usage of Nasoform in two newborns with unilateral cleft lip. The first patient presented with unilateral incomplete cleft lip and alveolus on the left side, started using a lip strap at age 4 days and started using Nasoform at age 12 days. The second patient presented with unilateral complete cleft lip and cleft palate on the left side, started using a lip strap at age 5 days and started using Nasoform together with obturator at age 21 days. Nasal molding with Nasoform was performed continuously until the date of cleft lip-nose surgical correction. Two weeks after surgery, Nasoform was used to support and mold the structure of the nose during wound healing process. The symmetry of the nose on the face of the patients at age of 15 months, was partly the result of using Nasoform as pre and post surgical nasal molding device.