Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

Editorial Policies
Human and Animal Rights
Informed Consent
Peer Review Process
Publishing Policies


Editorial Policies


This policy states guidelines in process of publication of Journal of Dental Association of Thailand that is according to standards and requirements following:

COPE – Committee on Publication Ethics

(available at

ICMJE – International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
(available at

For further information of standards please study from website


Authors is who has significantly contributed in research work and manuscript composing.

We recommend that the authorship should adopt and follow four criteria based on ICMJE:

-  Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; of the acquisition, analysis, of interpretation of data for the work; AND
-  Drafting the work revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
-  Final approval of the version to be published; AND
-  Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately and resolves.

Further detail available at


Individual who does not partook in the development of manuscript or who does not meet all four criteria above should be acknowledged. Institutions or organizations that support in term of funding or/and other resources should be acknowledged as well.

Conflict of Interest

For public trust in scientific activities and the credibility of published articles, authors must disclose financial/relevant interest relating directly to a work. Therefore, all manuscript must be accompanied by a conflicts of interest discloser statement or a declaration by authors to show transparency of authors’ relationship and activities and also financial relationship. The discloser form developed by ICMJE ( is required for authors to use for manuscript submission.


All details of submitted manuscript including editorial and peer review process must be kept confidentially by editors, authors and reviewers. We will not reveal submitted manuscript to anyone except individuals who are responsible in the publication process and preparation (including editorial staff, corresponding authors, reviewers and editors).

In case that is suspected to misconduct, a manuscript may be disclosed to ethics committee and organization of the journal for resolution.

Correction and retraction

Submitted article from authors will be edited to correction in our format with authorization of the editor of the journal. We divide the magnitude of correction into 3 classes following

-  Minor correction
-  Major correction
-  Rejection: In this case, retraction of articles will be completed according to COPE retraction guidelines.

However, the magnitude of correction will be decided by the editor of journal. If there is a dispute. The editor's decision is considered final.

Human and Animal Rights

To ensure that review process to select manuscripts meet high quality standards in ethical aspect to avoid exploitation of humans and animals for research. For research investigating samples of human, human participants and data or animal samples, authors should show the approval evidence officially released by the ethics committee of each institute or indicate that the study was performed according to the ethical Principles for Medical Research and Experiment involving human subjects such as Declaration of Helsinki 2000 (available at in “Materials and Methods” section of the manuscript.



To use of previously published work in your own manuscript, ensure that all of another person’s work were credited or acknowledged correctly. Otherwise, your own work is referred to as plagiarism. Plagiarism mainly can be 2 types including: (a) complete plagiarism; using large portions of text, sentence or data (clear define of this type of plagiarism please visit (b) minor copy; using a minor copy of short phases, short blocks of material, short copied texts including using reproducing major parts of text, tables, figures and also paraphrasing.


Informed consent

Privacy of patients must be carefully protected by not using their information (patients’ name, national identity number, date of birth, personal and identifying information) unless it is necessary to clinical and scientific purpose of the article and the patient (or parent, or legally authorized gradian or representative) signs informed consent for allowing their information, descriptions, photographs and pedigrees to be used in article publishing.


Peer review process

The submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least 2 qualified experts in the respective fields. In general, this process takes around 4-8 weeks before the author is notified whether the submitted article is accepted for publication, rejected, or subjected to revision before acceptance.

The author should realize the importance of correct format manuscript, which would affect the duration of the review process and the acceptance of articles. The Editorial office will not accept a submission if the author has not supplied all parts of the manuscript as outlined in this document.


Publishing policies

-  Initial submission
-  Peer review
-  Revisions
-  Final submission and acceptance


1. Initial submission

In early stage of submission, your manuscript will be read and considered by the editor of JDAT journal whether it follows our initial assessments (scientifically and technically) and fits in scope and aim of journal. Then, manuscript that passes all initial assessments will be sent to external reviewers.

2. Peer review

In this stage, your manuscript is able to access securely through our online submission system ( by at least 2 reviewers who are experts in relative fields.

3. Revisions

If cases where the reviewers have requested any changes to your manuscript, your manuscript will be in process to prepare a revision. Consideration of reviewers will make one of the decisions following:

- Acceptance
- Minor revision
- Major revision
- Rejection

You can check status of manuscript and resubmitted your revised manuscript before deadline that will be specified and informed on online submission system.

4. Final submission and acceptance

After your manuscript is edited to completed version, it will be accepted for process of publication by the editorial team of JDAT. Our team has a right to make the final decision about matters of style and the size of image of your manuscript, so your manuscript format will be adapted according to the journal’s format.