ปี 2019 ปีที่ 69 ฉบับที่ 1 หน้า 101-109
Comparison Video Based Learning Versus Live Demonstration of Dental Student Knowledge and Skills for Working Length Determination Using Electronic Apex Locator
Dental student, Live Demonstration, Self-directed learning, Video Based Learning
The objectives of this study were to compare the effectiveness of video based learning (Video) versus a live
demonstration (Demo) on dental student knowledge and skills for working length determination with electronic apex
locator and to evaluate their improvement after self-directed video based learning. Sixty-three dental students were
randomly assigned to two teaching groups. In the classroom, the Demo group attended a live demonstration and the
Video group watched a video about working length determination with electronic apex locator. The knowledge and
skills were evaluated by using multiple choice questions and a practical test. After all the students had self-studied an
online video for 6 weeks, the second practical test was performed. Satisfaction questionnaires were completed after
each practical test. The Mann–Whitney U test and the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test were used to compare the scores
between groups and within group, respectively. There were no significant differences in knowledge or practical scores
between the Demo and Video groups. After self-directed learning, the Video group practical score significantly increased,
however, no differences were found in the Demo group. The Demo group was significantly more satisfied with their
learning method. In conclusion, video based learning enhanced the knowledge and skills of dental students for working
length determination with electronic apex locator as well as a live demonstration had done. Self-directed video based
learning subsequent to classroom video improved practical skills.