ปี 2019 ปีที่ 69 ฉบับที่ 2 หน้า 217-236
สื่อสังคมออนไลน์, การให้บริการทางทันตกรรม, ความลับทางการแพทย์, คณะกรรมการสุขภาพแห่งชาติ, ทันตแพทย์
The technologies have changed the way we communicate with others through the internet. The news and
advertisement dissemination of both dentists and dental clinics is on the risk of violating the law. To present the
concern of government sector in the right of patients have affected the dental services. Structuralism was applied
to analyze laws as a structure to set power relations between state and society. This concept helped to examine
the new health care laws how they affected the dental services. According to the research, the patient profiles
have been shared online, and with the serious competition between dental business, the owners promote their
clinics on line. Thai government sector concerned about the right of patients should be protected as shown the
declaration of National health commission: The practice of social media for health care staff. Not only it be concerned
about disclosing of information privacy and personal medical information of patients but also had the other related laws as Child Protection Act, B.E. 2546 (2003), Thailand’s Computer-related Crime Act, B.E. 2560 (2017) and improved
Sanatorium Act, B.E. 2559 (2016) to add penalty with imprisonment for prohibited advertising. The dentists and
dental clinics should try to understand about position, duty and limitation of online communication to avoid
infringement of the patients and protect the risk of offence the laws.