ปี 2019 ปีที่ 69 ฉบับที่ 3 หน้า 343-352
How Thick Peri-implant Tissue Affected Esthetic Satisfaction on Single Implant Restoration in Treated Periodontal Patients
dental implant, esthetic, patient satisfaction, periodontitis, visual analogue scale
To identify the factors affecting the esthetic outcome of implant-supported single crowns in periodontal
patients, thirty-four periodontitis patients with implants were consecutively examined for esthetic outcomes. A
questionnaire was used to measure the satisfaction of patients with peri-implant soft tissues, implant crown, smile,
and total implant treatment using a visual analogue scale (VAS). Ten clinicians applied the Pink and White Esthetic
Score (PES/WES) to each patient. The association between the clinical factors and the degree of patient satisfaction
was analyzed using the Pearson chi-square test. The mean overall patient’s satisfaction was 80.2 % and the mean
PES/WES was 12.67. Peri-implant tissue biotype was significantly associated with the degree of patient satisfaction
on papilla height, contour, color, and labial mucosa surface. A thick peri-implant tissue was the only significant
factor in determining the degree of patients’ satisfaction in periodontal patients. However, all patients reported
acceptable esthetic outcomes.